Early Booking Flexible offer

Discount at the HF hotels in Lisbon and Porto

The early bird catches the worm!

If you like to plan your holidays in advance and love to benefit from good trip offers, you've come to the right place.

In both the HF hotels in Lisbon and Porto, when you book your stay with a minimum of 15 days in advance, the Early Booking Flexible rate offers you a up to 30% discount.

Don't waste any more time and book now.

Offer conditions

- This offer is valid for reservations up to 30 days before the check-in date, depending on the chosen hotel
- Free cancellation up to 30 days of check-in
- If canceled or changed after that period, the entire stay will be charged
- Up to 30 days of check-in, you will receive a request to pay the total amount of your stay on the due date of the policy regarding the rooms you selected, through the contact you have provided us
- Offer subject to availability of the rate in the chosen hotel and dates
- This offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional rates
This symbol identifies the offer.
Don't miss this opportunity and enjoy your stay with a discount!

Early Booking Flexible offer

Discount at the HF hotels in Lisbon and Porto

Learn more

The early bird catches the worm!

The best hotels in Lisbon and Porto

If you like to plan your holidays in advance and love to benefit from good trip offers, you've come to the right place.

In both the HF hotels in Lisbon and Porto, when you book your stay with a minimum of 15 days in advance, the Early Booking Flexible rate offers you a up to 30% discount.

Don't waste any more time and book now.
This symbol identifies the offer.
Don't miss this opportunity and enjoy your stay with a discount!

Have you been to the best hotels in Portugal?

HF Hotels in Porto

HF Ipanema Park

Rua de Serralves, 124
4150-702 Porto

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HF Ipanema Porto

Rua do Campo Alegre, 156/172
4150-169 Porto

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HF Fénix Porto

Rua Gonçalo Sampaio, 282
4150-365 Porto

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HF Tuela Porto

Rua Arq. Marques da Silva, 200
4150-483 Porto

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HF Hotels in Lisbon

HF Fénix Lisboa

Praça Marquês de Pombal, 8
1269-133 Lisboa

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HF Fénix Urban

Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 14
1050-016 Lisboa

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HF Fénix Music

Rua Joaquim António de Aguiar, 5
1050-010 Lisboa

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HF Fénix Garden

Rua Joaquim António de Aguiar, 3
1050-010 Lisboa

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